Database Migration Guide: Moving from Solo PostgreSQL Server to AWS Serverless Instance

Towards Dev
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2024


Database Migration Guide: Moving from Solo PostgreSQL Server to AWS Serverless Instance

Step 1: Assessment and Planning

  • Evaluate Database Size and Usage: Analyze the size and usage patterns of your PostgreSQL database to determine the suitable serverless instance size.
  • Review AWS Serverless Options: Explore AWS serverless database options such as Amazon Aurora Serverless or Amazon RDS Proxy for PostgreSQL.

Step 2: AWS Account Setup

  • Create an AWS Account: If you don’t have one, create an AWS account at the AWS Management Console.
  • Configure AWS CLI: Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on your local machine.

Step 3: Database Backup

  • Take a Database Dump: Use the pg_dump command to create a dump of your PostgreSQL database.

pg_dump -h <source_host> -U <source_user> -d <source_db> -Fc -f <backup_file>

  • Copy Dump to S3: Upload the dump to an Amazon S3 bucket for accessibility during migration.

Step 4: Create AWS Serverless Database

  • Choose a Serverless Option: Create an Amazon Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL database or another suitable option.
  • Configure Database: Set up configurations, including VPC, security groups, and database parameters.

Step 5: Database Restoration

  • Restore from Dump: Utilize pg_restore to restore the database from the dump.

pg_restore -h <destination_host> -U <destination_user> -d <destination_db> -Fc <backup_file>

Step 6: Update Connection Strings

  • Update Application Configurations: Modify application configurations to point to the new serverless database.

Step 7: Testing

  • Functional Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the application functions correctly with the serverless PostgreSQL instance.

Step 8: Monitor and Optimize

  • AWS CloudWatch: Implement CloudWatch for monitoring the serverless database’s performance.
  • Optimize Auto-Scaling: Adjust auto-scaling settings based on observed usage patterns.

Step 9: Decommission Solo Server

  • Secure Shutdown: After ensuring the success of the serverless deployment, securely shut down and decommission the solo PostgreSQL server.

Important Considerations

  • Data Transfer Costs: Be mindful of data transfer costs, particularly if your application interacts with other AWS services.
  • IAM Roles and Permissions: Ensure the necessary IAM roles and permissions are in place for the serverless database.
  • Security Best Practices: Adhere to AWS security best practices for database and application security.




DevOps Engineer with extensive experience, committed to simplifying complex challenges through effective solutions, on a mission to make the tough problems easy