Mixing Item Types in a LazyColumn in Jetpack Compose

Matt Robertson
Towards Dev
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2021


For Android developers accustomed to using RecyclerView, LazyColumn is the gift that keeps on giving. In a previous article I walked through how to navigate lists in a LazyColumn with LazyListState. In this article I want to quickly demonstrate how to include multiple types of composables within a single scrollable list.

The use cases for this are endless, but as a simple example let’s suppose we are rendering a document that has a Header, a series of items, and a Footer. How would we achieve this?

One solution would be to nest LazyColumn in a column.

Column {
LazyColumn() {

But then the Header and Footer would not be scrollable. We could make the entire Column scrollable, but then we end up with a complex nested scroll situation that wouldn’t work like we are intending.

The simple solution is to use LazyColumn’s item{}builder. Within the scope of LazyColumn’s content block, any composable within an item {} scope is included as a single item in the LazyColumn.

So we could achieve a single scrollable layout of a header, a series of items, and a footer like this:

LazyColumn {
item {
items(content) {
item {

Also note that we can add multiple composables within a single item {} block. I’ve found this particularly useful when I want to add a divider or spacer along with the composable.

item {

This is important if you are using LazyListState.scrollTo() to target specific items, since including a Divider in its own item {} block would make the Divider its own scroll target, which would probably never be the intended behavior.

There you have it, another tool for your Compose toolkit. Keep composing!

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Android Engineer @ Crossway. Writing on clean arch, clean code, Kotlin, coroutines, & Compose.