Take Pictures in Browser with JavaScript

Make Use of MediaDevices Property in JavaScript

Parag Mahale
Towards Dev


Take pictures in browser with javascript, using MediaDevices priperty
Technology vector created by catalyststuff — www.freepik.com

Modern browsers nowadays are more powerful than ever before. We can do all kinds of stuff in the browser with JavaScript now, like motion-sensing, Bluetooth pairing, capturing photos, videos, audio and much more.

We’ll look into how to take pictures in a browser with JavaScript.

A live demo of this project is here.

What is Navigator Object

According to MDN Docs,

The Navigator interface represents the state and the identity of the user agent. It allows scripts to query it and to register themselves to carry on some activities.

Simply put, Navigator Object contains data/information about the browser.

The Navigator object is accessed with, `window.navigator` or just `navigator`

With navigator object, you can access information like geolocation of the browser, media devices available to the browser, are cookies enabled or not, etc.

For more info on the navigator object, visit the MDN Docs for Navigator.

For our purpose, we’ll be dealing with mediaDevices property.

mediaDevices Property

mediaDevices is a read-only property that provides access to media input devices like webcams, microphones, etc.

NOTE: We’ll need a secure context (HTTPS), to access these input devices.

So, we’ll start by installing a server for us to test the results.

NOTE: If you’re using a text editor like VS Code, using a live server extension will also work.

Make sure you have Node and NPM installed.

Install serve with the following command,

npm i -g serve

Now, let’s get into some code.

Create an index.html file with the following code.

index.html file

Now, a styles.css with some basic styles.

CSS styles

Now, in app.js,

first, we’ll capture the media from the webcam, and output the stream via video element.

Capture webcam feed and display it to the canvas
Get webcam feed

Enter the following command to start the server.


This will give you a working video element.

For taking a picture,

Using canvas to create and download image from the webcam feed
Taking picture from the canvas context

When the Capture photo button is clicked we,

1. Collected video element’s intrinsic width and height

2. made the canvas of the same width and height

3. Drew an image onto the canvas with video element being the source

4. Encoded the canvas into an image data URL

5. Downloaded the image via a downloadable link

And so, we successfully captured a picture on a browser with JavaScript.

All the code for this project is here.

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