Optimizing React Components with the Reconciliation Mechanism: Tips and Best Practices

Towards Dev
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2022


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. One of the key features of React is its reconciliation mechanism, which is the process by which React updates the user interface (UI) in response to changes in data. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how this mechanism works and how it can be used to build efficient and performant applications.

What is reconciliation in React?

Reconciliation is the process by which React updates the UI in response to changes in data. It is a key feature of React that enables developers to build applications that are fast, responsive, and maintainable.

The reconciliation process begins when a component’s state or props change. When this happens, React will compare the current version of the component with the previous version and make the necessary updates to the UI. This comparison is done using a heuristic algorithm, which is a general-purpose method that can be applied to a wide range of problems.

React Reconciliation and the Virtual DOM

React reconciliation works by comparing the virtual DOM with the current state of the application. When a change occurs, React determines what, if any, updates need to be made to the virtual DOM to reflect the new state. This process is efficient because React only updates the parts of the DOM that have changed, rather than re-rendering the entire page.

How does reconciliation work in React?

To understand how reconciliation works in React, let’s consider the following code example:

A simple React function component that displays a person’s name and age.

In this example, we have a simple React function component that displays a person’s name and age.

In the case of the MyComponent function, the reconciliation process would involve the following steps:

1. When the component is first rendered, React will create a virtual DOM representation of the component by calling the MyComponent function and passing in the initial props. This will result in a virtual DOM tree that looks something like this:

Name and Age are presented

2. If the component’s props or state change, React will re-render the component by calling the MyComponent function again and passing in the updated props. This will result in a new virtual DOM representation of the component.

3. React will then perform a diff between the previous and next versions of the virtual DOM to determine which nodes have changed. In the case of MyComponent, this might involve comparing the props.name and props.age values from the previous and next versions of the virtual DOM. If the values have changed, React will update the corresponding nodes in the real DOM to reflect the changes.

Overall, the reconciliation process in React is an efficient way of ensuring that the UI is always up-to-date with the component’s current state and props, while minimizing unnecessary updates to the DOM.

How to optimize the reconciliation process in React

Although the reconciliation process is efficient, there are a few things that developers can do to optimize it and improve the performance of their React applications.

Use the React.memo higher-order component

One way to optimize the reconciliation process is to use the React.memo higher-order component. This component is similar to the React.PureComponent class, but it can be used with function components. It includes the shouldComponentUpdate method with a shallow comparison of props and will only update the component if its props have changed.

Here’s an example of how to use the React.memo higher-order component:

The React.memo higher-order component wraps the MyComponent function component and optimizes its performance by memoizing the component.

In this example, the MyComponent component is wrapped in the React.memo higher-order component. This means that the shouldComponentUpdate method will be automatically included in the MyComponent component, and it will perform a shallow comparison of the props. If the props have changed, the component will update. Otherwise, it will not.


In this article, we’ve looked at the reconciliation mechanism in React and how it is used to update the user interface in response to changes in data. We’ve also discussed how to optimize the reconciliation process by using the React.memo higher-order component.

By understanding and optimizing the reconciliation process, developers can build efficient and performant applications with React.

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