Understanding the Difference Between KSP and KAPS in Kotlin

Reza Ramesh
Towards Dev
Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2023


Kotlin, a versatile and concise programming language developed by JetBrains, has become increasingly popular in the world of Android app development and beyond. It’s known for its concise syntax, null safety, and interoperability with Java. Kotlin comes with a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, and two of these tools, KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing) and KAPS (Kotlin Annotation Processing Suite), are often used in Kotlin projects to streamline code generation and simplify annotation processing. In this article, we will delve into what sets KSP and KAPS apart and explore when to use each.

KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing)

KSP, short for Kotlin Symbol Processing, is a relatively new annotation processing framework introduced to the Kotlin ecosystem. It was designed to address some of the limitations of the traditional annotation processing approach used in Java and Kotlin development. KSP offers several distinct features:

1. Strong Typing

KSP provides strong typing capabilities, meaning that you can work with Kotlin types directly in your code generation logic. This eliminates the need for complex type conversions and enhances the overall safety of code generation.

2. Improved Performance

Compared to traditional annotation processing, KSP offers improved performance by leveraging Kotlin’s compiler infrastructure. It performs incremental processing, which means that it only processes the necessary parts of your codebase, resulting in faster builds.

3. Seamless Integration with Kotlin

KSP is tightly integrated with the Kotlin compiler, making it easier to use for Kotlin projects. You can use KSP to generate Kotlin code, making it a natural fit for Kotlin-centric applications.

Example of KSP

Let’s consider a simple example of using KSP to generate a builder pattern for a Kotlin data class:

data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)

annotation class Builder

fun User.toBuilder(): UserBuilder = UserBuilder(this)

data class UserBuilder(var id: Int = 0, var name: String = "")

fun UserBuilder.build(): User = User(id, name)

In this example, we have defined an annotation @Builder and used KSP to generate the UserBuilder class with a fluent builder API.

KAPS (Kotlin Annotation Processing Suite)

KAPS, short for Kotlin Annotation Processing Suite, is another annotation processing framework for Kotlin. It offers a range of features for generating code and working with annotations in Kotlin projects. Some key features of KAPS include:

1. Simplicity

KAPS provides a straightforward and easy-to-understand API for generating code. It abstracts many of the complexities associated with code generation, making it accessible to developers with varying levels of experience.

2. Compatibility

KAPS is designed to work seamlessly with both Kotlin and Java, making it a suitable choice for projects that require interoperability between the two languages.

3. Extensibility

KAPS allows you to create custom processors and generators, enabling you to tailor code generation to your project’s specific requirements.

Example of KAPS

Let’s illustrate KAPS with a simple example of generating code to implement the Parcelable interface for a Kotlin data class:

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int) : Parcelable

In this case, the @Parcelize annotation is processed by KAPS to automatically generate the required writeToParcel and createFromParcel methods for making the Person class Parcelable.

Choosing Between KSP and KAPS

The choice between KSP and KAPS depends on your project’s requirements and your familiarity with each framework. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

  • Kotlin-Centric Projects: If your project is primarily Kotlin-based, KSP may be the better choice due to its strong integration with Kotlin’s type system and improved performance.
  • Interoperability: If you are working on a project that involves both Kotlin and Java code, KAPS’s compatibility with both languages can be advantageous.
  • Complexity: For simpler code generation tasks, KAPS’s simplicity might make it a more attractive option. However, if you require more advanced type-based code generation, KSP’s strong typing could be beneficial.
  • Community and Documentation: Consider the availability of community support and documentation for each framework. A larger community and extensive documentation can be valuable when you encounter issues or need guidance.

Migrating to KSP

If you’re currently using KAPS or another annotation processing framework and want to migrate to KSP, here are some steps to consider:

  1. Evaluate Your Current Usage: Understand how and where you’re using annotation processing in your project. Identify the specific processors and code generation tasks that you need to migrate.
  2. Learn KSP: Familiarize yourself with KSP’s documentation and examples. Understanding its core concepts, such as symbol processing and code generation, is essential.
  3. Update Your Build Configuration: Modify your project’s build.gradle (or build.gradle.kts) file to include the KSP plugin and its dependencies.
plugins {
id 'com.google.devtools.ksp' version '1.5.30'

dependencies {
ksp 'com.google.devtools.ksp:symbol-processing-api:1.5.30'
// Add any additional dependencies required for your code generation tasks.
  1. Refactor Your Code: Replace the annotations and processors you were using with KSP annotations and processor functions. Update your code generation logic to leverage KSP's strong typing and features.
  2. Test Incrementally: Gradually migrate your code generation tasks to KSP and test them incrementally. Ensure that the generated code is correct and meets your project's requirements.
  3. Remove Legacy Annotation Processing: Once you are satisfied with the migration and everything is working as expected, you can remove the legacy annotation processing framework and related dependencies from your project.
  4. Document the Migration: Document the migration process and any changes made to your project's build configuration. This documentation will be helpful for your team and future maintenance.

In conclusion, both KSP and KAPS are valuable tools in the Kotlin ecosystem for code generation and annotation processing. The choice between them should be based on your project’s specific requirements and your familiarity with each framework. If you decide to migrate to KSP, following the steps outlined above will help you make a smooth transition and take advantage of KSP’s features and performance improvements.


Learn More:

  1. XML vs. Jetpack Compose: Which is Better for Android App Development?

2. Authenticate Using Google Sign-In in Kotlin with Firebase

3. Building Robust Cross-Platform Apps: The Definitive Guide to Architecture in Kotlin Multiplatform



I am an Android developer and UI/UX designer with 4 years of experience in creating engaging and user-friendly mobile applications